Lender Finance Plan
Stakes are high. Trust & verify.
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Over 1,200,000 Agents & Lenders
Know what's happening
Checklists are essential when small tasks carry high costs.
Checklists are essential when small tasks carry high costs.

Lender on Location

NFL Head Coach

Commercial Pilot

Operating Room

QB on the field

Space-X Astronaut

Lender on Location

Commercial Pilot

Operating Room
Lenders systematically improve
Standard Lender Finance Plan includes customizable checklist with built-in Video Guide.
The collective expertise of thousands of negotiated transactions.
Valued service that's visible.
See the progress of your transaction.
Lenders keep you better informed.
Videos & more info tips with most tasks.

Easy to use.
Progress at a glance.
Messaging within the Plan.
See what's been checked off and when.
See what's next (green tasks).
Your lender customizes Plan to you.
Feature List
Lender's Finance Plan
Start using with your clients right away.
- Customizable, compliant & comprehensive finance checklist
- Finance Plans are ready-to-go for lender and client
- 100's of easy-to-follow videos accompany tasks
- Quick-search videos to get answers fast
- At-a-glance progress bar
- Help tip pop-ups with detailed explanations on most tasks
- In-plan, 2-way confidential messaging with daily summary email option
- Desktop. Mobile. Tablet.
- Check progress bar at a glance
- Time-date stamp on completed tasks ("what's done")
- See "what’s done" and "what’s next" with each task
- Add / hide / delete items on each client's Finance Plan
- “More info” pop-ups provide in-depth details of tasks
Messaging & Notification
- In-Plan confidential messaging: Send & receive messages with your client.
- End of day email report to your client of all messages.
- Show/hide your Finance Plan to client’s Agent
- Request to follow Agent's Service Plan
Customize your Plans
- Customized Finance Plans provide consistent client service - your brand
- Customize each of your clients' Plans quickly & as needed
- Customize your agent profile - clients see this with their Plan
- Customize Master Finance Plan (Team Pro edition) to standardize finance service
Organization & Navigation
- Neatly organized: labelled Panels
- To re-organize any client Plan: drag & drop to move panels or single items
- Quick edit features to add/remove/hide items in the client’s Plan
- Navigation: Progress bar segments unfold/fold each panel in the Plan
- Each Plan includes a clients' 18 Tools to help simplify complex choices
If you're currently working with another brokerage, or you have an exclusive representation agreement, this is not intended to be a solicitation to that listing. It is not the intention of the sponsoring agent nor of this Company.